Monthly Learning Opportunities
Step onto a path of discovery and growth with our monthly Zoom classes! Each month features a captivating topic designed to elevate the health and wellbeing of your body, mind, and spirit. These interactive classes open the doors to greater understanding of various practices, tools and techniques that offer support through life’s journey.
Using the Pendulum to Get the Answers you Seek
Are curious about the pendulum, and how this special tool works? Can you imagine receiving answers from your Higher Self and Subconscious Mind on questions that leave you uncertain?
Come have fun and join me as we explore this special energetic tool!
Date: Saturday, September 14th
Time: 1:00 Eastern, 12:00 Central, 11:00 Mountain, 10:00 Pacific
In this interactive class, you will learn how to:
Cleanse and activate your pendulum
Ask questions in such a way as to get straight forward answers
Gain insight on which option is best when there are several to consider
Check the quality of food, and which foods are good for you
Determine the best household cleaners for your family
Test makeup and beauty products to ensure they are non-toxic
Verify that the supplements you are taking are benefiting you
This class will be via Zoom! If you cannot attend live, no problem! Everyone who registers will receive the recording!